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iPhone 13 Pro Max Vs. Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra: New Smartphones Head to Head

“An excellent head-to-head comparison of two premium heavyweight contenders from the market leaders!”

Glenn Baruck, The eDot Family of Companies

Like the Bears vs. the Packers, the Yankees vs. the Red Sox or Ali vs. Frazier, Apple and Samsung have been slugging it out for smartphone domination for quite some time. The battle continues at all levels, including the newest flagship models from each of these technology heavyweights.

If you are in the market for an upgrade to your current smartphone or looking to move up to a best-in-class model, don’t miss this informative piece by Shane Snider for crn.com. Snider’s article provides a blow-by-blow comparison of these two premium contenders and will give you the insight you need to guide you towards your decision.

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